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Happy Birthday to APA!

It's been five years since I formally started A Positive Adventure full time and ohhhh what an adventure it has been. I named it A Positive Adventure to remind us what matters and put perspective around the hard moments.

Not pictured: Lots of tears in year one. Maybe I’ll upload that video one day too!? It’s all been worth it. It started by laying myself off in a RIF and taking the leap. My biggest lesson so far has been, what do "I want APA to be" versus what “should it be.” The answer right now is a life-work balance. I take at least one month in a row off of work every year now and honor "no meeting Mondays and Fridays" so I can be in nature more. It’s been fun. It’s been hard. It’s been worth it.

Cheers to our extremely hardworking team, everyone who has ever been on a meeting, planned something with us, trusted us with their employees and leaders, or who has talked me through a tough moment.

Cheers to us. We are doing it. Let’s keep going, friends and partners!

Interested in working with us or learning more? Reach out and let's chat.

All my best,





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